Old news
03.26.01 - Wow! I've been keeping an eye on my page stats and its not unusual for me to see 100 hits a day. Thats incredible. I think I'm going to have to expand my site. April 1st will be the official first year anniversery of Ciphersoftware. Thanks for your great support everyone! Uploaded example source for creating a dialog-based application. Fixed a Pong3D install bug (Thanks Bob). Fixed a bug with my OpenGL fullscreen window example.
03.24.01 - Added the lastest build, 0.09 of Pong3D to the games section. I NEED BETA TESTERS!! If you would like to beta test for me, read the accompanying document called BetaTest.html
03.18.01 - I added my Ultimate Full Screen Window For OpenGL Under Windows to the misc section
03.17.01 - I scrapped the 3Dblocks game. I'm now making Pong3D, a pre-alpha release can be downloaded from the games section.
03.11.01 - I started a new project. It is going to be a 3D OpenGL Breakout clone
03.10.01 - CSS, Netscape and Internet Explorer don't mix! If you are using Netscape 4.7 or less, this site won't look too good; I'm sorry.
02.25.01 - I once again redesigned the site; I think I'm going to keep it this way. I added a few new programs: AllegHS, StringMath, and a small 'binary to ascii' converter.
02.24.01 - I just purchased Oracle 8i for Linux today. I'm having trouble getting the darn thing working. Very frustrating. If your an Oracle buff and you would like to help me out, please email me.
02.23.01 - Arggghh. My C++ class is so boring. You can expect regular updates to the site as I have nothing else to do in my programming class.
DECEMBER 4, 2000 - As most of you don't know, I play electric guitar in my spare time. I just figured out how to record directly to my computer, so I'm going to start uploading some of my riffs. I uploaded my first one. Its under the downloads section.
NOVEMBER 26, 2000 - Added my newest song to the downloads section. Again, if you would like to use any of my music or would like me to compose music for you, you must email me for permission first.
NOVEMBER 25, 2000 -NEW! I am now going to put my midi music compositions under the downloads section. Cleaned up the site a bit -deleted dead links, etc. Also made an update to Asterpong.
NOVEMBER 24, 2000 - Now that I have weekends off, I'm going to get me website back on track. I added a very early version of my new game project: Asterpong. That's right, Asterpong. It's a clone of two very old and popular games. You can download it from the downloads page. Please try it and tell me what you think.
OCTOBER 2, 2000 - Sorry, I haven't really updated my site at all these past 2 months. I've been very busy with school and work but I am going to begin to update the site regularly, mabye even make a few games in the coming weeks.
JULY 27, 2000 - Added Tic Tac Toe and Checkers to my download section. I changed around my website. Please tell me what you think of the new layout.
MAY 25, 2000 - JusTris is finally complete! Download it here, or at the download section. Please try it out and tell me what you think.
MAY 16 - 2000 - JusTris is pretty much done except for the sounds and the highscore system. I also changed my name to CipherSoft. It sounds a little more catchy.
APRIL 30, 2000 - Today I totally reconstructed my site. I added a guestbook, a weekly poll, and I also removed the Anim8or page for now. I haven't programmed much lately because I have been golfing and doing other things, but I am still working on my Tetris game with an accompaning tutorial on how to make Tetris. Which should be completed this week sometime. If anything strange happened when you opened my site, please email me at gameprogrammer@excite.com becuase in Netscape 4.7 under Linux, my page didn't load correctly. Please sign my guestbook and participate in the "Weekly Poll".
APRIL 26, 2000 - Check out my new logo here. I know it's a little faded, but its easy to fix. I made it in Photoshop 5.5 in case anyone cares. I'm going to update JusTris later on today, and have an update either later today or tomorrow. I am also thinking of making a piece editor for it sometime soon.
APRIL 24, 2000 - I finally got JusTris working! JusTris is a Tetris clone (JUStin's teTRIS) which I am currently working on, and it is nearly complete. There are still a few bugs though, but the core game is kind of there. I hope to make a tutorial on how to make Tetris with Allegro because many beginners such as my self, find this game difficult to program.
APRIL 21, 2000 - Updated JtBlocks, Racer, so they should now run at the same speed on all systems. Added some screenshots for my games.
APRIL 18, 2000 - Added alpha version of JusTris (Tetris clone) to downloads section. It uses an algorithm to rotate a piece rather than having seperate arrays for each rotation. Thankyou - Derold Clifford, Ender Wiggin and Chris Tj for helping me out.
I'm going to change all of my games so that they will run the same speed on all systems. All of my games are going to be updated within the next week or so.
APRIL 15, 2000 - Added Racer to downloads section.
Check out the Lame Game contest being held at www.flipcode.com . Please rate my old games! (Dangerous Mines and One-Armed Boxing)
APRIL 12, 2000 - Added my latest game, Worms to download section. Also added one of my current games incomplete sourcecode, Gravtris.
APRIL 10, 2000 - added some games, JTBlocks and Side-View Boxing to downloads.
APRIL 1, 2000 - Page started.