WelcomeI'm an independant developer. my language of choice is C/C++ and I prefer Allegro and OpenGL [for 3d graphics] for graphical libraries. I don't play much computer games because I'd rather program them. All of the applications found here include complete C/C++/Pascal sourcecode. Enjoy! News04.29.01 - Uploaded one of my InfoTech 12 assignments: a small quiz written in Director 7. It's in Shockwave format and can be played here from your web browser. 04.13.01 - As promised, Linux versions of most of my games are now available. Please drop by the games section. Thanks to Daniel Mckinnon of Stikman Software for the initial Linux ports and for giving me the ambition to port my games over to this wonderful OS. 04.10.01 - I ported nearly all of my games over to windows. NT users should no longer have a problem running my games. The next step is porting over to Linux. It should happen some time this week. 04.09.01 - Totally redesigned by JTBlocks game. It's not too bad now. You can get it from the Games section. I also added a splash page. I made the logo-thing with Macromedia Flash. 04.07.01 - Added a couple Pong3D screenshots. Added a small tutorial on GetAsyncKeyState() to the snippets section. Also added my newest game [not really a game], Deface That Face to the games section. 04.02.01 - Yesterday marked the first year anniversary of Ciphersoftware so I thought I'd make a few changes to my site. Check out the new snippets section. I also made a C program that allows me to make quick and easy updates to my site [You can download this program from the applications section]. 03.28.01 - Fixed an annoying bug with my FullScreenOpenGLWindow. I think its nearly perfected. Also fixed the same problem with Pong3D and added some better error checking. 03.27.01 - View my contribution to the Pixelate Magazine. It's an interview with the owner of, Matthew Leverton. Check it out here. Projects on the GoPrivWire (10% complete) - PrivWire is going to be a simple Windows based server/client chatting utility. Pong3D (85% complete) - Pong3D is a remake of the classic Pong superimposed on a 3D coordinate system. Questions/CommentsIf you have any questions regarding C/C++ programming, Allegro, OpenGL, or anything else, please email me: |